Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas Eve

Lots of traditions surround our Christmas Eve celebration.  We spend it with Chad's family, we all bring appetizers and stuff our faces, there are too many presents surrounding the tree, I torture the children for a picture before any present is opened, we open any toy the kids ask us to,  we make homemade pizzas and stuff our faces...again and then we attempt to play a game or two before we all poop out and head home.  This year was no different, every tradition...check.    Always so much fun, and even better now that the kids are getting older and their games/toys are getting more tempting to play!  

I think this might be my favorite picture of the day.  Reid is looking like "Pie Face" is the best gift ever (well besides that WWE Belt pictured above) and Wyatt is looking at "Pie Face" thinking who the hell would buy THAT game for THAT kid!  Your Grandma Wyatt, that's who.  I mean what Christmas celebration would be complete this year without "Pie Face"?

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