Monday, July 20, 2015

First Stop...Alabama!

We recently went on a little family vacation.  We headed down to Destin, Florida for a week of fun in the sun with 3 other families.  First though, we decided to take a minor detour to visit Chad's Aunt, Uncle and Cousins in Alabama.  They have a  sweet pad on a lake/river/body of water and we spent the day enjoying their company, swimming, jumping and boat riding.  We had such a great time and are so grateful for the chance to catch up with this amazing family.  We weren't even out of their driveway the next morning and Chad was already planning a trip back.  Surprise Auchly Family...we're coming back!  

Yes, this is Chad on the left.  I have no idea what to call this move he is doing, but nonetheless he's still got it folks!

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