Thursday, July 30, 2015

Destin...Day 4

Girls Day!  No Kids!  Drinks!  No Kids!  Kayaking!  No Kids!  Lunch!  No Kids!  Relaxing on the beach!  No Kids!

Yes, Day 4 was girls day.  We went back and forth on what to do and landed on renting some kayaks, having a long leisurely lunch and then relaxing on the beach (the beach far far away from our kids).  We had an incredible day.  It was the perfect mix of action and relaxation.  The only thing I can't really say was stellar about the day are my pictures.  No kids = No big camera.  But we do have some splendid camera phone shots.  We tried really hard to get a picture of all 4 of us in the kayaks but that was kind of disaster.  I'm sure someone on that beach has some awesome pictures of Julia and I flipping our kayak though...twice.  Let me give you a hint, when getting into a kayak in the ocean go ahead and walk it out beyond the shore a little bit.  You're welcome.

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