Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Easter Morning

It was finally the day, my favorite day of the year…Easter (not a joke, it's seriously my favorite day)!  Easter was fairly low key for us this year, and by low key I mean it was actually relaxing!  We got up did a little egg hunt, had a special breakfast and then hung out at the house until it was time to go to Chad's Aunt and Uncle's house.  The boys had a great Easter Morning and both did an awesome job at finding all of the treats the Big Bunny had left them.  Bennett held his own this year and Nolan was sure to let him find the "easy" ones because those ones were just not challenging enough for the big guy.  I have visions of some elbow dropping and wrestling coming in our future Easters (not that my brother and I would have EVER fought over Easter eggs).  Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition right?  Here was our morning, you will see that even Easter doesn't necessitate wearing a shirt in Nolan's book…

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