Saturday, May 24, 2014

Easter Part II

After we had our relaxing morning at home we headed on over to Chad's Aunt and Uncle's house.  They have a beautiful house on like 3 acres.  This = a little boy's dream!  The kids were in heaven playing baseball, soccer, kickball and volleyball.  You name it…they played it.  And we got to SIT and watch.  And perhaps drink a beverage or two.  Glorious.  Simply Glorious.  As we were leaving Nolan said "Can we come here for Easter next year?".  Phil? Bonnie? Whatcha think?  Here are a couple pictures from our day.  (excuse some of the wonkiness, I'm trying out some new stuff with my editing and this is a mixture of a lot of things.  I'll figure it out eventually, for now you suffer!)

The boys and all of their cousins on the Struckmann side…

Easter this year happened to fall on Ms.Rylie's birthday.  She turned the big 1-3!  She was not all that excited about Stephanie's idea to bring a cake and have everyone sing to her.  But Stephanie went with it anyway and here is the proof.  Soak it up Stephanie, you said you would never see these pictures but you know how I like to prove you wrong.  BOOM...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Technology Fail

Tonight I was trying to "FaceTime" my Mom and Dad.  This is the ONLY way Bennett will talk on the phone.  He simply does not understand the concept of talking on the phone and not seeing the person on the other end.  Kids these days.  Anyway, I was having some problems with my phone and it would not connect.  Here is the conversation that went down…

Me:  It's not working buddy.  We will have to call "Maw Maw" later.
Bennett:  Lets get the ipad. (he's a problem solver that one)
Me: We can't, it needs to be charged.
Bennett:  Damn it.

What?  Surely my perfect little angel did not use a bad word and surely he did not use it in the correct context!  While I have a LITTLE bit of potty mouth "Damn it" is not really a part of my regular vocabulary.  I questioned Bennett on this choice word and he defended the culprit by saying nothing.  I'm listening people, I'm going to find out who is poisoning my sweet child.  Surely this kid could do no wrong…

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Easter Morning

It was finally the day, my favorite day of the year…Easter (not a joke, it's seriously my favorite day)!  Easter was fairly low key for us this year, and by low key I mean it was actually relaxing!  We got up did a little egg hunt, had a special breakfast and then hung out at the house until it was time to go to Chad's Aunt and Uncle's house.  The boys had a great Easter Morning and both did an awesome job at finding all of the treats the Big Bunny had left them.  Bennett held his own this year and Nolan was sure to let him find the "easy" ones because those ones were just not challenging enough for the big guy.  I have visions of some elbow dropping and wrestling coming in our future Easters (not that my brother and I would have EVER fought over Easter eggs).  Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition right?  Here was our morning, you will see that even Easter doesn't necessitate wearing a shirt in Nolan's book…

Monday, May 12, 2014


Oh sweet little Macie. I tell you what, this little girl stomped right into this photo shoot like she was a professional.  She turned on her charm, flashed her pearly whites and was on her way.  She is absolutely precious and deserved every minute of her carousal bribe!  Thanks for playing Ms. Macie, I hope your Mom and Dad enjoy the results...

Monday, May 5, 2014


Sometimes there is a cute little girl.
And a cute little blanket in my trunk.
And some wonderful sunshine.
And a Mom who is willing to let me use her baby as a model.
And, because said cute little girl doesn't move yet, I am able to test some new techniques.
And I am happy, so very happy.
Because this cute little girl is my niece and she is happy too.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Easter Party

My favorite holiday has come and gone and that leaves me a little sad, but we sure did enjoy the Easter festivities while we could!  On Good Friday we ditched work/school/sitter and had ourselves a little party with my friends from work.  We've done this for a few years now, a tradition that I hope continues for a long time.  Surely the kids will still want to hunt eggs and hang out with us well into their 20's right?  Right.  I'm sure if we stuffed those eggs with Dollar Dollar Bills we could attract some grubby teenagers!  Anyway, we had ourselves a grand old time this year just like years past.  We had an easter egg hunt, we colored some eggs, we played outside and of course we ate some pizza.  All in all a well-balanced day I would say.

Of course, because I'm mean, I made the kids take a picture before they could hunt the eggs.  As it turns out my children were not the problem this time (shocking I know).  Those Twellman boys took the cake this year with their non-picture taking antics and they really did it up with style…

p.s. If you are slightly worried about my scraggly child below and his shaggy hair I will assure you we practically ran to the salon barber (is that more manly?) and took care of that mop immediately following this party.  Fresh as a daisy for Easter Morning (still plenty shaggy though, don't fret).

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