Sunday, October 20, 2013

More Of The Same

You guessed it, another day = more time at the beach.  I would say it gets old, but you know what…it just doesn't.  I think I would be really good at being on a permanent vacation quite frankly.  Perhaps some of these people need a house sitter?  Surely I'm an ideal candidate with my husband, two small children and my dog that can be mistaken for a horse.

Attempt at a family picture…

At one point Donny decided it would be a good idea for the kids to bury him in the sand.  By the look on his face I'm thinking perhaps he regretted this decision a little bit.  The look on Henry's face now that's a different story…something tells me he enjoyed burying his old man in the sand!

Yet another attempt at a group picture of the kids.  The missing link this time…Violet.  She is actually in the picture but totally hidden by a couple of the boys.  So we will go ahead and go with this was our attempt at a group picture of the boys!

Gee, do you think these two are brothers...

I'll admit the rest of this post is a little Bennett heavy.  It seems when we were at the beach Nolan was off riding waves, playing catch and finding seashells and I was stuck watching Bennett play in the sand…again.

This is about as much ocean play as Bennett gets this trip…

 So I realize these next few pictures are pretty much the same.  But I just had to include them all.  I VERY RARELY get pictures with the boys and I almost NEVER get pictures with genuine smiles.  So similar or not, I'm sharing them all...

While on the trip we found a new best friend…the ipad.  All the little kids were pretty much obsessed with the ipads.  Sad, but true.  I can't lie, the ipad also managed to entertain a two year old in the car for a VERY long time.  That reminds me, I need to write a thank you note to Apple pronto.

On this particular evening the boys decided to be extra special hoosiers and jumped on the golf course for a little practice (swimsuits and all).  So tempting sitting in our backyard and all.  Well Bennett wasn't going to let those boys go without him so he tagged along for his first golfing experience and I tagged along with the camera.

Oh yeah, Miss Violet joined us too.  She was less interested in golf and more interested in Mr. Bennett :)

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