Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Connor Turns Two

The third and final session…for today.  Of course we went out with a bang.  I purposely scheduled Jessie last because quite frankly…I knew she'd come with a wagon full of tricks.  Turns out…I was right.  Literally they showed up with a wagon full of props, costumes, toys and snacks.  All her effort paid off though Mr. Connor totally performed for his two year pictures.  And Bonus, we threw his adorable little sister in for a few Halloween pictures too!  I can't lie, last year Connor's pictures were simple.  Jessie would pretend to fall down, he would smile, I would snap a picture…bam done.  This year he has a little bit more of a "say" in things.  Meaning he just says "No" to our coo-coo ideas.  He has NO IDEA how persistent his Mom is though and we totally waited him out.  Hell, I even took a small goldfish break with him at one point because he instructed me to do so.  I have no idea where he gets his bossiness from (wink, wink).  I'll tell you what though, I'll do whatever this kid tells me if in return I get smiles like these all the time.  In a word…precious.

Here is that little sister I was referring to.  So cute.  She was not left out of the fun, she even had two different hairpieces for her costume!  Jessie couldn't decide which one to use, so we used both.  So here we have a little game of "which look is best?". 


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