Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bye Bye Beach

We got to enjoy one more day at the beach.  One more day of sun, one more day of sand, one more day of squeals and one more day with friends.  This day like each day before was bordering on the line of perfection.

This is the day we attempted the true group picture.  And while each child is physically present in the picture, I can't say it's the best picture I've ever taken.  I can say however that this picture is a true depiction of our vacation.  A gaggle of kids enjoying some fun in the sun while the adults (that you can't see in this particular picture) try vigorously to keep them happy!  I can say with complete conviction…Mission Accomplished! Happy Kids = Successful Vacation in my book!

A few more attempts at getting Bennett in the water...

While this next picture is simply a picture of Bennett and Violet playing on the ipad it's actually one of my favorite pictures from vacation.  These two are trouble, but the best kind of trouble!

Bye Bye Beach…we can't wait to come back!

On this particular evening we also attempted family pictures.  I haven't even started to look through those quite yet so I'll hold you in a little bit of suspense for the time being.  Can you even stand it?  Nope, didn't think so!

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