Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tornado Bennett

Our evenings can go one of two ways.  Bennett will either be so tired (read: crabby) that he goes to bed immediately after dinner OR Bennett is so wired he runs around like a crazy man until he crashes.  On this particular evening we got to enjoy the later.  He was EVERYWHERE and into EVERYTHING.

I will be the first to admit that I am always trying to get that "perfect" picture of my kids and I fail...often.  But when I look back at this set of pictures and remember the squeals and giggles that went along with this Tornado we call Bennett…I realize that though they are not my most "technically sound" pictures they do still tell a story.  A story of a boy that apparently had too much sugar on this particular evening!    And a story of a basement that now needs a permanent cleaning lady due to this little human!

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