Sunday, November 4, 2012

Popeye and Olive Oil…Take 100

Well I eluded to the fact in an earlier post that those wouldn't be the last of Popeye and Olive Oil pictures, so I am here to deliver.  I'm sure you are all on the edge of your seats (or at least Julia is).  These kids I tell you what!  They were in rare form on this particular evening and they were ALL OVER THE PLACE.  Only problem…they were going in opposite directions.  It was nearly impossible to get them in pictures together but I gave it the old college try.  Bennett had all sorts of props that didn't quite make the cut…a hat, a pipe, some spinach.  But again I had to choose my battles and I picked a semi happy kid instead of forcing the prop issue.  So here are the results, nothing mind blowing here but golly they are cute!

This is what I'm considering the "good" picture. I know I know, neither of them look thrilled but you know what they are both doing?  Looking at my camera.

So we tried just letting them walk around...

Then we thought, hey maybe we should "trap" them on a bench...

Play in the leaves?

Check out Violet's face in this one.  Little devilish don't you think?  And I BET she'll try and blame Bennett for putting the moves on her.

I might have spoken too soon…(sorry Steve)

Looking guilty aren't they?

So the majority of my evening looked like this, toddlers making a break for it…

And here is a little "angry" baby for you.  This was officially our last picture of the evening.  Perhaps next year they will cooperate better :)

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