Wednesday, November 28, 2012


My brother and sister in law came in town to celebrate Thanksgiving and asked if I could snap a few pictures of my nephew Cy.  Well of course I will, only problem…turns out Cy likes pictures about as much as my kids do (sorry Sharon, must be a Kuntz trait…and it's strong).  BUT I'm in luck, this kid can't move yet so he's kind of like my prisoner.  Therefore we were able to get a few totally adorable pictures before he was completely done with me.  

I'm starting with one of my favorite pictures mainly because it will probably make my brother mad, and believe it or not…that's still fun to me.  Geoff HATED this hat that Cy is wearing.  It's a hat that I bought to take a picture of Bennett in, but we all know how hats and Bennett go…they don't.  So I took  this as my opportunity to use the hat and I think Cy looks absolutely adorable (as I believe most of you will agree).  So sorry Geoff you have been overruled because it's my blog and I can do what I want.

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