Monday, August 27, 2012

Synchronized Segways

This past weekend we took a little trip to Branson to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday.  I'll post more on the little trip later but I thought I would brighten everyone's Monday morning with a little comedy.  We spent the day at Dogwood Canyon in Branson.   It is a nature park with fishing, hiking, trails for bikes…you get the picture.  Well they offer Segway tours.  If you don't know what a Segway is, take a gander…

If you have never met my father I'll let you in on a little secret…getting to ride a Segway may or may not have been the most exciting thing in his life to date.  He was P-U-M-P-E-D.  He reads this blog so I will refrain from telling you how nerdy they all looked (although I bet it is evident in these pictures).   Anyway, they did a little "lesson" and then they were off for a little tour while us "women folk" tended to the children.  

Chad thought they were pretty neat, he was spinning around doing all sorts of "poses" for me.  I will spare you those pictures but assure you they are stellar.  However, I did want to share one.  This is Chad showing me how you could leisurely "walk the dog" on the Segway.  Not sure how many of you  have seen/met Cooper but I'm fairly certain Cooper would be walking that Segway as opposed to the other way around.

Well I promised you something that would brighten your Monday morning and I am here to deliver.  Below is a video of the boys doing a little "Synchronized Segwaying".  It is only 13 seconds, but I bet it's the best 13 seconds of your day.  Unless it's one of those "had to be there moments", and in that case I apologize for how much I have hyped it up.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. The khaki shorts, pastel shirts, and matching helmets only lends this to actually look like a coordinated team. Hilarious!


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