Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Aunt Stephanie Lies

The boys spent the day with Grandma yesterday while Chad and I were at work.  My sister in law and her little boy joined them for a playdate at the park.  Below is the text that I received from my "dear" sister in law.  I guess Nolan had to find out sometime that even those close to us lie...and tattle.  I have underlined the only important part of this message, because as I pointed out in the title "Aunt Stephanie Lies" and I KNOW my little angel would never say anything vulgar like this...

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Your panties must really be in a bunch over Nolan & sassy mouth. You're right though, I shouldn't have tattled. It was just so awesome & amazing at the same time, I couldn't stop myself. I will never again share any of his dirty little secrets w/ you. Thought you should know, Reid is still talking about "that bad thing" Nolan said at the park, oh how the tables have turned. Why yes, I am gloating & loving every second of it. BaBam.


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