Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Birthday!!!

I can not even believe I am about to type this, Bennett turned one today!  HOW did that happen?  I realize this is not my first rodeo and I should have known that time would fly by, but seriously this is insane!

Oh Bennett, Bennett, Bennett.  Where do I begin?  He seriously has a curse on me.  No matter what he does I think it's adorable.  As he gets older I KNOW this is going to be an issue, but for now I'm just going to soak in his cuteness and all of his little quirks and deal with the consequences at a later date.  Bennett has brought so much joy to our family, I can not even begin to explain.  He made Nolan into a big brother and that relationship is the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed (hopefully it stays this sweet forever).  He has an infectious smile, some killer dance (bounce) moves and talks gibberish so well you feel like YOU are the one that is speaking the wrong language.  He's got a lot of energy, a lot of spunk and a lot of love and the best part is...he's all mine (oh and Chad's).  I love you Bennett Beezers…Happy Birthday!

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