Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rockin' the Rain Boots

I don't even know where to start with this post, I think the pictures basically speak for themselves.  
This is Penelope.  She is ADORABLE.  
That is all.  

I will say she went from "pouty" to slap happy in about .2 seconds.  She can really put on a show when she wants to.  Her aunt happened to be there on this particular day so Penelope decided it was her time to shine, and shine she did (even though it was actually raining)!

I love her tu-tu, I love her bow, I love her boots and I love her smile.  I REALLY love the fact that her Mom picked out one bracelet/necklace combo and she picked out about eight…and she won.  A girl can never have too many accessories!  
Can I get an AMEN?

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