Sunday, April 29, 2012


I know I usually put "fun" "nice" things on the blog, but I have to admit that not everyday is a Holiday over here.  In fact Thursday evening was pretty much a nightmare.  I debated writing this on the blog, mainly because I'm sure my sister in law will read this and will totally give me crap, but since I use this for documentation purposes I thought I might need to remind myself in a few years why Bennett is scared to death of stairs.  So Thursday night, while on my watch, Bennett took a tumble.  Not like a regular fell backwards and bumped his head tumble, like a top stair to bottom stair tumble.  I was in the kitchen putting away his dinner and had just set him down.  By the time I got from the sink to the stairs it was too late.  I was unaware that Nolan had come back upstairs and he left the door open. Bennett seized the opportunity and took it upon himself to get to the basement without any assistance.  He screamed, I screamed, he cried, I cried…it was really lovely.  We called the exchange and they told us the stuff to watch for (unfortunately I already knew all of this because when Nolan was about his age he took a tumble off the bleachers!).  So we went through all the motions and fortunately he seems to be thriving.  

I spent my Friday off watching him like a hawk and of course giving him some extra love.  Poor guy.  Not to mention that since Thursday I swear he has knocked his head about 50 times.  Nolan was so cautious as a child, Bennett…not so much.  I'm going to have to put that child in a bubble.

So here are some random pictures from Friday.  I LOVE the one of Bennett and Nolan where Bennett is giving him "the look", like what the heck are you doing in my picture?  He's special that Bennett, as you will certainly see…

On a side note I do really appreciate the fact that I have told multiple people this story now and MULTIPLE times after I finished they responded with…yes, __fill in the blank with child's name__ fell down our steps too.  While I don't love that multiple children have fallen down their stairs, I do love that I'm not alone and maybe I'm not as awful of a Mom as I was feeling I was.


  1. I'm assuming that your sister in law reference was NOT referring to me. Because if you know me at all you would know that my kids have absolutely fallen down the stairs. I only judge silly things like giving your kid a bike with no peddles.

    Your FAVORITE sister in law


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