Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bennett's Baptism

Yes I realize Bennett is 8 months old and we are just getting him baptized.  I have no excuses other than poor planning on my part.  But we did it, FINALLY.  Bennett has now secured a spot in heaven so Jessie you can sleep easier at night!

We had a minor glitch with the photos, the church told us no flash and then proceeded to utilize this awful spotlight that shot down on us like we were being interrogated!  Needless to say the pictures did not turn out well, but I have a few that I salvaged in black and white because quite frankly black and white makes anything look better!  I will tell you that Bennett totally stole the show.  He was smiling at the crowd, grabbing for the water, reaching for the pastor…you know everything a cute little baby does.  Well Nolan, who originally decided he did not want to join us on stage, saw the impact Bennett was having on the crowd and decided he wanted to be a part of the fun too!  So mid-way through the ceremony he came up on stage as well, one big happy family!

Here is Mr. B getting passed around to all of his parents.  His actual parents, his Godparents and his Grandparents.  
What a lucky boy he is!

While I was disappointed that I didn't have that many pictures from the baptism, I have to say I got over it rather quickly.  When we got home Bennett blessed (get it) both me and my Mom with a great picture with him, something that doesn't happen all that often.  
Check them out…not too shabby!

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