Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yakety Yak

Well the other day Nolan came home with one of his "projects" from school.  It was an odd looking little thing and I couldn't quite put my finger on what kind of animal it actually was.  When I asked Nolan the first time to identify said creature he told me it was a horse.  I don't think it's a horse…

The next day Nolan was playing with his magnet letters (that's right only educational stuff going on at this house…are you reading this Ms. Jones?) and he came across the Y.  All of the sudden Nolan bursts out…"I made a Yak in school, that's what that thing is".  
AHHHHH, mystery solved!  

Now had I been an attentive parent I would have read the syllabus from last week and realized they were going over the Letter Y and perhaps just perhaps I would have put two and two together…but I kind of doubt it!

I guess when you put the two Yaks together I can see a little resemblance.  Thank God for the magnet game, I think I still would have been staring at this little guy in wonder!

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