Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dude, I wore an Apron!

No seriously I really did wear an apron and needed it!  Can you believe it?  Nope, me either.  The other night I went to the most spectacular place with some friends of mine from work.  The best part is we got to have a Girls Night Out, but we disguised it as doing something helpful for our families!  We really are brilliant, freaking brilliant I tell ya.  Anyway, we went to a place called "Time for Dinner."  Basically you show up at this place and they have everything set up for you to cook dinners that you then put in your freezer to eat later.  When I say set up for you I mean every ingredient sitting on the table with the correct measuring device ready to go, with labels and containers below to store it.  And you know what the BEST part is?  NO DISHES!  That's right the staff there cleans it all up for you. You go from station to station and make your food and they follow behind you and clean up your mess.  I'm seriously thinking about kidnapping one of them to bring home with me, think Nolan would like a new roommate?

First station and my bag had a hole!  Not a good start.  Then Kellie pointed out that quite possibly I had also not used the proper bag.  No worries, if at first you don't succeed try try again…and also drink more wine.  That usually helps.

One recipe required white wine…..

Here is what I personally left the place with…12 awesome meals! 

Update:  We ate our first meal last night and it was SPECTACULAR. This chick will definitely be going back.  Who is coming with me? 

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