Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We got you a Spiderman Cup!

Today is Chad's birthday.  These days we don't really do anything too exciting for our birthdays.  Funny how as you get older birthdays start to get less and less exciting.  At what point do you stop getting excited about birthdays that is what I would like to know.  Well Chad may have not been super pumped about his birthday but there was a certain little boy in this house that was!  As soon as Chad walked in the door tonight Nolan yelled "Dad we got you a Spiderman Cup!"  And that my friends is why I didn't tell him what we bought him until tonight!  I realize a Spiderman cup is a little strange for a 31 year old, however let me explain.  You see Chad likes his weekend coffee quite a bit but the problem is he drinks said coffee in a really pretty flowery/berry mug.  Not the "macho" mug he should, so we changed that tonight! (Don't worry we bought him a real present too, Nolan just didn't care enough about that one to "ruin" the surprise)


The only real "tradition" we have for Chad's birthday is that I always get him a Dairy Queen cake.  Well this morning he politely ordered me not to get him a cake (obviously he thinks I'm a last minute shopper and hadn't already bought a cake…he was right).  So there goes that 12 year tradition!  Luckily Nolan and my Mom made him a cake today complete with chocolate icing and 1 million sprinkles.  So, we sang Happy Birthday (per Nolan's request), blew out a candle (per Nolan's request) and ate some cake (per Nolan's request).  And then I took a picture (per my request) and our celebration was complete!  Happy Birthday Chad!

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