Monday, May 2, 2011

Julia's Having a Baby!

That's right, Julia is diving into the pool of motherhood in just 2 short months! She has been listening to some of us talk about the trials and tribulations of "dealing" with children for over 2 years now...and she's still doing it!  Crazy I know!!

With baby...comes a shower.  This particular shower was nothing short of fabulous.  A little background, Julia has had a small obsession with candy throughout this pregnancy.  So a shower centered around candy was a guaranteed hit with this mom-to-be (as well as the other patrons of the shower!).

Some party pics from the big event...

And finally, drum roll please. A belly shot of this little mom-to-be. I feel like I need to put a disclaimer on this photo, like they do on most diet ads. Something like "results not typical", no pregnant woman should look this cute it's just really not fair.

Happy Shower Julia...can't wait to meet Ms. Violet!!!!

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