Monday, May 2, 2011

Eggs, and Baskets, and Bunnies...Oh My!

Year after year I have to defend the fact that Easter is my favorite holiday.  It is a concept that not many people understand.  As a child I vividly remember hunting Easter eggs well into the summer months.  My mom would pretend to be the Easter Bunny for me over and over again, the eggs didn't have the delicious candy in them like the ones the Easter Bunny brings...but the thrill of the hunt was all I needed!

This year was no different, Easter is STILL my favorite holiday.  And I'm not gonna lie I have a little boy in my house that I think feels the same way!  Cute does not even begin to describe him on Easter this year.  He was loving the hunting, the family, the candy...all of it!  WOOOHOOO for Easter, too bad it only comes but once a year.  Maybe Santa should consider hiding some eggs...just a suggestion.

It all starts out with a little egg decorating fun....

Then you throw in some egg hunting....

Add some quality time with the family....

And Wa-Lah..the perfect holiday.

Oh and one more picture just for fun, because I think he looks like a pirate (this is what I get these days when I ask him to say cheese, not complaining it's better than sticking his hand up and telling me no like he used to).

Ahoy Matey...Happy Easter!

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