Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's me!

Well I promised pictures today, and who would I be if I disappointed my readers (see how I implied people might actually be reading this?).

Mother Nature provided the most spectacular day and this Struckmann Clan took full advantage.  We headed off to the park, sunglasses and baseball bats in tow.  With the exception of a small temper tantrum involving a certain 2.5 year was a perfect day.

Please note some things about the two pictures above.

a.  Yes that is Nolan and he is looking and smiling at the camera...and yes I am in the picture with him.  Happy Mother's Day to present ever!

b.  Nolan forgot for a minute that it was Mother's Day and not Father's Day and decided to snuggle his Dad.  I'll let it slide, but you better bet I'll be remembering this come June and I expect equal consideration.

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