Friday, April 15, 2011

Just Playing Around

I know I've talked a lot about how the little guy likes to play with all of his "guys", and anyone who has seen him in the past I don't know 3 months or so has heard ALL about them.  So I just wanted to share with you what I am talking about and dealing with on a daily basis.  I'm not sure where this obsession originated, but I think I have Grandma Struckmann to thank for this one!

Here is the bag that now goes everywhere with the store, out to eat, to the sitter, to Grandma's House...I mean EVERYWHERE!  It's usually quite the dilemma trying to determine which guys get to come along.

Role Call..From left to right: "Minja Turtle", "Tie Guy", "Broken Guy", "Dad", and of course Rick Flair!

Oh and how could we forget the all important..."Plastic Man"

I don't know, I have to admit the whole "guys" obsession is pretty darn cute and it seems to keep his interest for more than 5 minutes at a time so I can't really complain.  I can complain about the fact that they are everywhere and seem to keep multiplying!

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