Thursday, April 14, 2011

I Married an Older Man

That's right, Chad bit the big one and turned the big 3-0!  I figured we might as well embrace the oldness and have a little get together.  Some family + a few friends = drinking away your sorrows!

Here's how it went down.....

We went to a local establishment for this little shindig.  The evening included Food, Beer Pong (apparently you can just bring your own Beer Pong table to the bar???), A fun little drinking game (yes those are Cosmos those manly men are drinking) and a little bit of dancing......

This "fun" little drinking game was called Bar Golf. Basically there were different holes and you got points, or negative points, for what you completed at each hole. I believe only 3 teams finished the entire game! And it got ugly!!!  Remember when the boys were drinking Cosmos above...well these ladies were drinking 151!  They meant business!

So after the long evening of drinking, here are the results....(funny, the teams that came in 2nd and 3rd weren't up for a group pic to celebrate???)

No party would be complete without a few party pics....

And in case you were wondering, yes the Old Man was hurting a bit the next day. And what kind of "photographer" would I be if I didn't document the whole story???

Happy Birthday Chad!!!! I hope your 30th Birthday was everything you imagined it would be and more!

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