Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Birthday Bowling Bonanza

Ah, yet another 30th birthday.  And who would we be not to celebrate such a joyous occasion?

The birthday victim this time...Mr. Curtis.  You've met him in other posts, he's no stranger to my camera that's for sure.  His lovely and tolerant wife planned a bowling birthday party for him complete with friends, family, food and fun!

First things is Curtis and handsome little Jack.  Jack got to participate in Dad's big milestone event, and actually got to "bowl" for the first time.  I'm pretty sure he got a better score than me on my first game (I was trying to blame the miracle I'm growing, but I'm not sure it was his fault).  As for the picture in the bottom left, can't really explain?  Curtis "teaching" Lori to bowl?

In this picture I really just want to point out Jack in the top right picture...I mean if he isn't his father's son!  Could he stare that beer down anymore you think?  Bottom left displays all the pregnant chicks, boy it's fun to be pregnant for all of these 30th birthday parties (did that sound believable?).

And Finally, here are a few of the party goers.  I was trying to decide who had better form Riffee or Curtis...not gonna lie I think Riffee wins.  Next stop the Bowling Pro Tour (if there is such a thing).
Happy Birthday Curtis!  Thanks for sharing your special day with us, sorry you lost so bad!

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