Sunday, July 5, 2020

Christmas Continues...

This year we decided to go visit my brother and his family the weekend after Christmas so we could  have an extra long holiday season!  We even went to Silver Dollar City and pretended like it was still Christmas!  I wasn't going to miss out on that opportunity, and they were still doing all the Christmas things so why not?  Right?  Right.  You'll note that most of the pictures are of Everly and I because the boys are getting bigger and want to do the big kid rides while Everly is just starting to dip her toes in the sand of the little kid rides.  So there was a lot of dividing and conquering but I assure you the big kids were just as happy with their ride choices as well.  I would like to give a special shout out to my Mom on this post because she took a bunch of the pictures of Ev and I, so it looks like I was actually on this vacation!  Thanks Mom!

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