Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Year of the Family Photos

This year BOTH Grandmas wanted family photos, and who I am to say no to the Grandmas?  So we did family pictures, not once...but twice.  Luckily they were very close in timing so we just wore the same thing for both.  That's a win, can I get an Amen?  I mean who wants to plan family photo outfits one time let alone two times?  Not this mom, I can guarantee you that!  So here are ALL our family pictures with ALL the people we love the most.  And can we note my kids were actually good (for the most part) and cooperated?  Except that little princess, we are still working on her CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE.  For now, we will settle for looking in the direction of the camera.  But this grace period ends soon little one, next year smiles are expected :).


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