Monday, May 27, 2019

Woodlands Tournament

It's that time of year...Baseball Tournament Time!  We spend most weekends during the spring/summer at Nolan's baseball tournaments at this point and there's really no place we would rather be.  We have super fun families to hang out with and we love watching Nolan do what he loves.  And he loves to play ball.  Don't get me wrong, some days it gets hot...VERY HOT.  But we have become experts at tournament set up, inclusive of a pack n play to trap that little one.  The princess has all she needs to also enjoy her day, don't you worry a second about her.  Also not shown are the fans that were pointing her direction.  It's rough to be her, really rough.

At this particular tournament Chad was asked to step in to help coach as our coach had to go coach his other son's game.  So I got to see two of my boys in action, and you know what...they BOTH did great!  They landed themselves second place!!

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