Sunday, February 10, 2019


In an earlier post I eluded to the fact that our Easter was a little bit "different" this year.  Well, it was in fact different.  This year we were headed to Colorado for Spring Break and that meant...flying on Easter!  You know I was a little reluctant to fly on Easter, just because I love EVERYTHING about Easter but sacrifices had to be made!  So we woke up early on Easter morning and let the boys check out their baskets from the Easter bunny and it turns out the Easter bunny is very observant and he noticed that we were packed for vacation so he left a note that he would leave their eggs in Colorado. last thing to do that morning!  So we checked out the baskets and then headed out the door.  When we got to Breckenridge we did in fact find eggs left from the bunny so all was well with the world.

Now, fast forward to a week later when we returned from our trip to Colorado.  It was finally time to let Little Miss see what the bunny left her.  We didn't have time to mess with it the morning of Easter and wanted to really soak up her first Easter anyway, so she got a private viewing party.  It's tough being the princess.

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