Wednesday, December 18, 2019

That ONE Time

There was this ONE Time I put effort into Trunk or Treat...and here it is the photographic proof.  I LOVE Trunk or Treat at our school but I don't usually do much in the way of decorating.  I don't know why, I think just because we are usually always rushing around to even get there in time.  But this year was the year, I was ready.  I mean I had a little kid that couldn't argue with my antics, I had to right?  Right.  So we turned the good ole mini van into a Gumball Machine to match the princess. Precious.  The boys had a blast as usual, running around with their friends and getting more candy than we could eat in a year.  Success on all accounts this year.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Gumball Machine Overload

Get prepared.  There is going to be a major gumball machine overload in the near future, starting now.  I had a lot of fun making Everly's costume this year and she looked ADORABLE...and I took 1 million pictures to prove it.  I even dressed her up one day all by herself before Halloween just to make sure I got a "good" picture. I ended up with about 20, all looking about the same, but I just can't pick a favorite.  She's still at that perfect sit there and smile age and this time she's wearing a ridiculous headpiece.  I mean COME ON, do you blame me?  This is post one of like three, and I'm not sorry even a little bit.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Our Little Pumpkin

No, this is not Everly's Halloween costume.  Turns out we just like dressing her up.  Chad was doing a Halloween 5K and was taking Everly along so we went ahead and dressed her in theme.  When in Rome right?  I mean who wouldn't want to run with this sweet pumpkin?

Lenz Field Tournament

Last baseball tournament of the season...and we went out with a bang!  This team was on fire this particular weekend and they crushed the competition.  It was an out of town tournament too so that always brings with it a bunch of fun for the kids (and parents).  There was a lot of swimming and running and yelling.  I'm sure the hotels just LOVE these tournaments.  It was a bit chilly, but we all survived...even the princess.  Now we have to hang up the cleats and countdown the days until spring training begins!!

Nolan's Birthday...Take 2

Now it was time for Nolan's friend party.  The problem is we are so busy this time of year finding a day to do said party is next to impossible.  Except when you have a random Friday off of school!  So we had some of his school buddies over for the day to hang out and play "Minute to Win It" games.  Not gonna lie, I think they were a hit.  I had actually put these games together for a work conference that I was doing and thought hey 10 year old boys will like this just as much as the old folks.  And I was right.  I think they might have actually been better at the games too, but I'll keep that information to myself.

Nolan's Birthday...Take 1

Although we had a big birthday this year to celebrate (see previous post), we also had a big 10 year old to celebrate as well!  And we could not let this occasion go by unnoticed.  Nolan actually had 2 parties this year, one with the family and one with some school friends.  This year for his family party we decided to add a little flare and do some gambling.  I mean who doesn't gamble at a 10 year old's birthday party am I right?  This is the "horserace game" and if you don't have it, you probably should.  It's super fun, and easy for multiple people to play.  And when I say easy I mean I can play without paying attention at all, which is my kind of game.  I think on this particular day the two big winners were Reid and Bennett.  So the birthday boy had to settle for all kinds of other presents while the other two kids rolled around in their coin winnings.  Darn.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Buggy Baby

I'd love to tell you the story behind this buggy, but I'm not sure anyone really knows the story.  It came from my Grandma's basement.  But I don't know if it was actually used for my Mom when she was a baby, or if my Mom used it for her baby dolls, or if my Grandma picked it up at an auction (which she frequented often).  Nonetheless, it's precious and it meant enough to my Grandma to keep it around for years so that warranted a photo session with her only Great Granddaughter that she unfortunately never got to meet.  And I cannot lie, one of the pictures is my absolute favorite picture of Everly to date.  So everybody wins in this scenario!  Thank you Grandma Snyder for finding beauty in so many things...and holding on to those things!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Everly's Adventures in "One"derland

The princess is 1! O-N-E! How how how is that possible?  It's taken me a year to right this post because I'm in disbelief (or just really behind in life).  I decided for her first birthday I would go all out so we had a SUPER girly party, and I mean SUPER girly.  We are talking Alice in Wonderland themed Tea Party here folks.  It doesn't get much better than that!  If I'm being honest I think Everly was just pumped about having more cake, but she will obviously look back on these pictures and appreciate ALL the details.  Right? Right.    


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