Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Wisconsin Dells

As I'm going through all of my pictures that I'm behind on posting I'm noticing a theme.  It seems as though we were doing a lot of "baby mooning" over the past year.  Making sure we got in a LOT of fun and adventure before the baby came.  I don't know that we necessarily did this on purpose or if we are secretly scared this new bundle of joy is going to slow our lives down a little, but nonetheless we had an excellent past few months!  This trip was no exception.  We went to the Wisconsin Dells with some friends and if you have never been you really need to go.  We stayed at a resort that had everything.  When I say everything, I literally mean we never left the resort once we got there.  There were multiple water parks (indoor and outdoor), miniature golf, arcades, climbing structures, zip lines, restaurants.  You name it, they had it.  It's the type of place that can appeal to many different ages too, which was nice with this crew as we span a few years at this point!  We were even big ballers a couple of days and rented private cabanas, which I would also highly recommend.  It gave us a meeting point for everyone and a waitress to keep the drinks flowing!  Like I said, this place appeals to all ages!


Thursday, October 19, 2017

All Aboard...Chicago or Bust.

Prepare yourself for a picture overload. Historically speaking this post probably would have been broken into like 4 different posts (one for each day), but in an effort to be expeditious with my catching up plan I'm just really going for it here with one post for our whole trip to Chicago.

The boys had a whole week off for Spring Break so we decided to take advantage and bring them to Chicago for a few days.  And in true tourist fashion we even took the train up there.  I know, go big or go home people.  We had a great little trip showing the boys "city life".  We were able to hit up a bunch of the hot spots.  We went to Maggie Daley Park, "The Bean", Shed's Aquarium, the Children's Museum, Navy Pier, the Museum of Science and Industry and Wrigley Field.  Not to mention we dabbled in some of Chicago's finest culinary hot spots as well for some pizza and popcorn!  We were BUSY and tired by the time we were done, let me tell you, but the boys loved it and ever since have asked when we can go back.  Now they think they have a for sure ticket back since Everly has never been there we just HAVE to go back so she can go too.  Smart boys, very smart boys.

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