Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day at the Land

We've had a super busy summer.  I am not complaining AT ALL, I love having all kinds of stuff to do.  Chad, well Chad can be the Debbie Downer of the crowd sometimes (shocker) and likes to stay home every now and again to take a breather.  There are exceptions to this rule.  When people invite us to their land, their farm or the lake.  These are the things that make Chad happy, his Mecca if you will.  And he will rarely say no.  Win for me!  Anyway, on this particular day our friends were spending the day at their parents land (inclusive of a lake: double whammy in the Chad game of life) and we were lucky enough to join them.  The boys LOVED it.  We swam, fished, paddle boarded and just hung out.  It was a wonderfully relaxing day and we can't wait to go back (hint hint Scallys if you're reading).

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