Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hall Family

I recently met up with the Hall Family.  Barbie called and asked if we could do family pics at their house this year and thought we could go back in their woods.  I had never been to their house so I really didn't know what these "woods" consisted of but I'm always up for a new location.  Boy am I glad I said yes.  They have an AWESOME area behind their house that would be any kid's dream.  These kids were not strangers to the woods either, they knew exactly where they wanted to take me and all of the secret places to show off.  So cool.  Barbie, don't be surprised if you see me tromping through your woods one day with my boys :)  

Evan and Whitney never let me down, they have THE BEST personalities and they bring their smiles along with them.  Always fun to see this family and capture some of their memories.  Here is your sneak peak...

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