Monday, September 15, 2014

Botanical Gardens

A while back my Brother, Sister in law and nephew came for the weekend to visit.  We had an awesome time and managed to pack quite a bit in to our short weekend.  On Saturday we headed down to the Botanical Gardens to take in the scenery and let the kiddos burn some energy.  I never really thought of the Botanical Gardens as a kid activity, but boy was I wrong.  They have an awesome kids area and the boys all loved it.  They also have a big fountain you can run around in, they also loved that.  I was ill prepared for that event, but let them partake nonetheless!  Good times good times, we will most definitely be making a return trip to the gardens.

 Bennett insisted on wearing a cape the ENTIRE day and I could not resist taking his picture one million times.  There is nothing I love more than a little boy in Super Hero attire.  I could have said no to this ridiculousness, but where is the fun in that?  Let them be little (and adorable) right?

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