Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Making Progress

Nolan is a Daddy's boy.  I know what you are thinking…I don't get it either.  I feel like lately I have been gaining some ground though.  Tonight when I got home from running a bazillion errands he said and I quote "I was hoping I'd get to spend time with just you tonight".  Raise your hand if you think that kid got to stay up past his bed time.  Raise another hand if you think he also got to eat Oreos at 9:00pm.  Hopefully you are all raising a roof out there because those both happened, and he is currently coming down from his sugar high.  He's precious I tell you what.  Now we just need to work on that other brother.  I haven't really figured out what makes Bennett tick yet, I'm not above bribery when used in the proper situation.  Gaining the position as #1 parent is totally the proper situation, can I get an Amen?  Maybe he wants a pony?  He does have a birthday this week!

Unrelated note, I want to give photo credit for the picture below.  This picture was taken by 3 year old Owen Riffee.  I think he has a budding career as a photographer ahead of him.  I don't have many pictures of me and Nolan so thank you Owen…I owe you one.  Come on over and I'll feed you Oreos at 9:00pm too (unless your Dad gets to them first).

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