Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Brush with Fame

That's right folks I had the pleasure of photographing a famous family the other day!  You may recognize them from this past season of "The Bachelor" where they were a part of the hometown dates for the ever-so-popular Drew (Meghan's brother).  That's right ladies I photographed Drew's sister and her adorable family!  Another fun fact, Meghan posted a picture that I took on Instagram the other day and Drew totally liked it! I think that officially makes him my friend too, right? Right.  Hi Drew, feel free to leave a comment if you are reading this!

Here is a sneak peak at their pictures.  It was hard to narrow down my favorites this time, they gave me a lot to work with.  Kids with smiles, parents with patience, outfit changes, perfect lighting…a photographer's dream session really.  Enjoy!

And I saved my favorite for last…I mean SERIOUSLY!  Too much cute for one picture!

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