Thursday, May 16, 2013


They say if you are going to be good at something you have to practice, practice, practice.  Well, I am not one to go against the rules of life so when we had the opportunity to spend the day out at a winery a few weeks back we jumped at the chance.  I mean we needed to practice for our upcoming adventure in wine country right?  (a little foreshadowing there for future blog posts #fancy).  We had some friends in from out of town that we had not seen in WAY TOO LONG so we thought it was the perfect opportunity to have some adult fun.  And boy were we right.  We had a beautiful day, wine was flowing like water and we had a sober driver (thanks Amanda).

Ahhh, speaking of that sober driver here she is!  You didn't think she was just nice did you?  She was only in charge because she had to be.  She was VERY pregnant on this day, but don't fret she is not pregnant any longer (more foreshadowing…oh the suspense).

This is Nick and Dana, they were our guests of honor.  They live in Oklahoma now, and after dealing with our shenanigans for the day they might think that is an excellent decision on their part!

 At this point in the day is where it got a little awkward…okay a lot awkward.  Please note dude man who came over and was rather handsy with Amanda's pregnant belly.  Talking about how beautiful pregnant woman are blah blah blah.  All we were thinking is CREEPY.  We were also thinking, oh god this is going to be Curtis in 15 years.  Hell, it might be Curtis right now.  At least Kim was coming to Amanda's rescue…not.  I mean I couldn't I was busy documenting the assault.

I mean for goodness sakes Curtis and creepster are wearing the same sunglasses!  Coincidence? I think not.

Nahh, Curtis is nothing like this guy.  He's totally normal right? Front tuck and all.

1 comment:

  1. Who knew the definition of foreshadowing was slacking?!
    Also, the #fronttuck is awesome.


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