Friday, May 24, 2013

Day One

We took a delightful little trip to Wine Country.  It was kind of an impulse trip, not kind of…it was.  We threw out the idea of going to Napa at around noon one day and we were booking flights by 9:00pm.  We are spontaneous like that what can I say?  Well, that was about the extent of our planning.  We booked a place (castle really) and a flight and decided to wing it from there on out.  Not gonna lie, we are REALLY good at winging it.  Professionals really.  So, here is our first day in Cali.  We decided to spend a little time in San Francisco on our way to the final destination.  We had lunch at the wharf, did some people watching, bought some cheap wine at Trader Joes (you can take the girls out of Missouri, but you can't take the Missouri out of the girls) and we were on our way.  So here is how the first day went down…

We rented "Big Red" for the week.  Nothing says class like a bright red minivan, am I right?  
Don't worry Julia, we got it.  Keep playing Bingo Madness.

Off to the wharf…

What a tourist!  All she's missing is a fanny pack.

Our view from lunch, not too shabby…
For all of you history buffs out there, that is Alcatraz in the distance.  See, this trip was TOTALLY educational.  

And what trip to San Fran would be complete without cheesey Trolley pictures?  

Then we made our way to "The Castle".  I might have a whole separate post on this place, or I might not.  It's half awesome…half CREEPY.  I can't decide if you would think differently of me if you saw this attraction.  I will give you some sneak peaks of it though.  

On this particular evening we had some mad games of Jenga going on.  Crazy I tell ya.  Crazy.  Except Steve, he sucks...

Here is that little sneak peak of the house I promised.  I'm giving no explanations and no descriptions.  Pictures only.  
Your mind can do the rest of the work.

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