Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rookie Mistake

First off…Happy Valentine's Day!  Valentine's Day is not huge in my book, although today was pretty good.  I was sitting at the counter this morning and Nolan walked down and said "Mom, is today Valentine's Day?"  I said, "yep it sure is".  He responded with "Yeahhhh, Happy Valentine's Day…I Love You Mommy".  Now, tell me that isn't precious!  You can't can you?  I rewarded him with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Legos and a Light Saber.  What can I say cuteness gets rewarded in this house.  Bennett's present is still sitting unwrapped on the table as I write this.  Coincidence?

Anyway, Nolan had his party at school today.  And he was all pumped up.  Last year he came home and told me it was a "girl party", but he obviously has forgotten that aspect in a years time.  So we were embracing the Valentine tradition and set out to make our Valentine cards last night.  My "friend" Michelle made fun of me for making homemade cards and said I would be the only one who made them as oppossed to buying the box for $1.99.  She was right.  BUT I can't lie, Nolan loved the cards and so did the other kids (boys mainly).  There was actually jumping and screaming involved when one kid opened his (insert pat on back).  So take that Michelle.  Here are the cards we made, I give all credit to Pinterest…

So you might be wondering about my "Rookie Mistake".  Well you see, I thought it would be a good idea to have Nolan sign all of the Valentines.  We got about 4 deep and he was D-O-N-E.  And quite honestly, so was I!  Who knew writing your name a few times would be such a task.  Next year I think we need to start a few days in advance and do 3-4 a night.  Poor Bennett, when it comes time for him to start signing cards we will have to start in like June with his long name.  I'm naming my next kid "O"…just "O".  It's easy and fast.  

I did go to Nolan's party today.  Nothing special, decorated some boxes, handed out Valentines, played a game and ate a snack.  And guess what?  I didn't even bring a camera!  Do you know how proud I was of myself?  Decided to enjoy the party instead of fretting over pictures this time.  Truly liberating.  Although I did snap a few with my phone.  #oldhabitsdiehard

And tonight Chad and I are headed out on the town for a little dinner and dancing…okay maybe just dinner.  We are so romantic I can't even stand it.  

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