Friday, February 15, 2013

Lazy or Sensible?

Such a fine line.  I can't decide if lately on my Friday's off I have just gotten lazy, or if I have become more sensible in my old age.  In the past there has not been many Fridays that I did not have a whole day planned with the boys.  I'm talking zoo, magic house, park, playdates…you name it we do it.  Lately we have been doing a whole lot of nothing.  Which means a lot of laying around in our PJs  (PJs from an out of date Holiday, thank you Jessie for pointing that out) all day and playing.  If you ask Nolan what he wants to do 9 times out of 10 he says stay home and play, so I guess in that regard I'm one awesome Mom lately.  I just hope I'm doing it out of love for my children, as opposed to laziness (which I think is a little more accurate).  I mean I also cook, clean and do laundry all day in between ninja battles and lego building (shut it Chad).  Here is a little bit of our laziness from LAST WEEK.  Today I actually ventured out again and we took in the Science Center, more to come on that later.

When I start to think I'm just lazy for not bringing the boys to do something, Bennett will do something to totally remind me why we just need to stay home sometimes.  Perhaps I am being more sensible and don't always feel the need to torture myself (in public anyway).  Thank you Bennett for justifying my laziness.

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