Friday, June 1, 2012

Tastes Like Lobster

Memorial Day weekend some friends of ours had a Crawfish Boil.  It never failed every time one of the guys walked inside the house and tried to convince the ladies to try these delectable creatures they would say "they taste like lobster".  Like that was going to convince us to dig right in.  I'll admit I never actually took the plunge, but I heard they were pretty good…I'm certainly not convinced they tasted like lobster though.

I was inside with the little guy most of the evening and totally forgot I even had my camera with me until it was basically too late.  So yes there were actually a lot more people at this party than just Steve but he happened to be doing a little dining when I needed my photo opportunity, lucky guy.

And here are SOME of the little rugrats, that's right I said SOME.  I think we are officially starting to get outnumbered by ankle-biters.  
What happened to our lives?

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