Friday, June 22, 2012

Room To Grow

We are in the middle of Organization H-E-Double Hockey Sticks right now.  We moved into my parents house and are basically still living out of boxes for the most part.  So yesterday Chad took a trip to the Container Store (really that's the name).  Oh my gosh, it was like Christmas morning to him.  Though I would never say Chad is the MOST organized person I have ever met, I will say he TRIES to be organized and I'd dare to say he THINKS he is organized.  So this new found Container Store was a HUGE HIT, and he only went to the closet section.  Can you imagine all the possibilities?  Anyway, like I said we are struggling with some major organization issues right now and this is what Chad came home with for me....

That's right folks, a scarf organizer.  Now am I appreciative?  Absolutely.  Do I think it was the number one thing we needed on our list to get organized right now?  Nope.  Chad apparently had a "run in" with my scarves the other day when he was putting my clothes in the closet.  I heard some crashing and some choice phrases, but I didn't know it all boiled down to the annoying scarves that I had thrown delicately placed on hangers.  Though it was not the most important thing we needed I'll tell you what, I did in fact drop everything I was doing to hang my many many many scarves on that contraption and I will also tell you its pretty darn fabulous.

So what is this a picture of you ask?  This is what I like to refer to as "Room To Grow"...looks like I have a few more scarves to buy after-all.  I guess I have Chad to thank for pointing that out to me.


  1. I think you need a scarf intervention. This is borderline hoarding.

  2. I concur with Stephanie. Chad, props on the scarf organizer/intervention catalyzer.


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