Monday, January 30, 2012

Brown Paper Packages...Tied Up with String

These are a few of MY FAVORITE THINGS!!!  That's right, the other night I had a "Favorite Things" party!!  What's that you ask?  The coolest idea EVER.  You don't have to be Oprah to celebrate all of your fun favorite things that's for sure.  I'll try and give you the cliff notes version of how this evening works, but no matter how hard I try it gets wordy.  Sorry, deal with it…you'll love it in the end.  

Here are some details of how it looked….

And here is how it works...First you set a dollar threshold, we went with $15 per item.  Then each person that is coming to the party  decides on one of their favorite things that costs $15…they go out and buy three of this item and bring it to the party.

Each person then gets up and gives a little spiel about their favorite thing and why it is so awesome and they can't live without it.  Here we all are with our favorite things:  there was soap, eyeshadow, eyeshadow base, DEVA CURL, candles, hairspray, mascara, perfume, tshirts….you get the picture!

People can even test the products if they so desire…

Then the fun begins.  We drew numbers 1-10, number 1 gets to go to the table first and pick one present to go home with (Of course Kim picked number one because she just might be the luckiest person I know and I had Julia pick a number for Lori who couldn't make it and she picked 10…coincidence? I think not).  Then you proceed down the line until everyone has picked a present and then you go backwards down the line etc etc until all presents have been accounted for.

Kim snatching the first present….

Ladies enjoying their night out...

That is until Amanda snagged the last hair spray/volumizer combo pack (the DEAL of the night!).  Check out the not so pleasant look Julia is throwing Amanda's way!  I never said it was all peachy keen, all is fair in Love and Favorite Things Picking!

Then Julia decided she needed to test out one of her new products…Deva Curl.  I mean what party is complete without someone's head in the sink?  This little product is supposed to make even the straightest of hair...curly.  Results later, keep scrolling.  Don't fret, she did not lose sight of her glass of wine for this little experiment!  

Here we are with all of our loot…check out Julia's curly hair ;) 

Oh, and did I mention everyone brought their favorite appetizer to share too?  I mean seriously does it get any better than this?  Fun Girls, Good Drinks, Awesome Food and you leave with presents!  This will not be the last Favorite Things Party for this crowd I'll guarantee that! 

1 comment:

  1. Love it, wow I make some ugly faces! Can't wait for the next party :)


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