Saturday, January 14, 2012


I know everyone thinks their kids are amazingly talented, but I have the pictures to prove it.  Warning: the next series of pictures could be considered rather disturbing or just down right gross.  But lets remember that Bennett is not walking or coming in contact with anything with his feet really…besides socks (and a little lint never hurt anyone).  

Watch out Cirque du Soleil….Bennett is one flexible dude!  
I'm pretty sure in this first picture he is mentally saying to me "what are YOU looking at?"

Then of course because I was making a fuss about how "cool" it was that Bennett could eat his toes, Nolan also wanted to do something "amazing".  So he gave the huge teddy bear a ride on his shoulders "just like Andy does with Woody" (Toy Story reference for those who haven't seen it one million times).  Is there anything this boy can't do?

The "Amazing Brothers"
Someday they will move mountains but today they will eat their toes and 
give shoulder rides to giant teddy bears.

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