Thursday, October 13, 2011

Halloween Hoedown

Well it was that time of year again, time to head out to the farm and engage in reckless activities for the day.  I'm happy to report that there were no major injuries, I mean my sister in law may or may not have gotten run over by the Jeep…but no major damage just a little limping.  Thankfully my kiddos went home with Grandpa and Grandma so I could engage in reckless activities as well.  What kind of parent would I be to play flip-cup and beer pong in the presence of my children…oh I would be Bill and Stephanie that's right (a little blog war humor…sorry Stephanie you called my kid a nerd remember?).  So here are a few pictures to document the day, I'll try and explain what I can.

Let me start with a couple pictures of my precious boys.  Nolan was on the move all day and TOTALLY exhausted by the time he went home.  Bennett was just taking it all in, next year should be interesting (I think interesting is my nice way of saying miserable).

Here are a few snapshots of all the kids in action.  There was face painting, power wheel driving, hayrides, jeep rides….a kid's dream really.

Now it was finally time for some adult time, but these were the two party poopers of the day who decided they needed to go home.  LAME.  I think they were scared of the fact that I'm now off the disabled list and was ready for all the drinking games.  They should have been scared…keep scrolling.

Let the games begin. We started with flip-cup, tried to show those little college kids who was the boss.  In the end I just felt old, apparently rules have changed and now you go up the line and then back down the line.  That's just crazy (and by crazy I mean awesome).  Our more "seasoned" team started out rusty, but in the end we got it together and ran those kids off the table.  Next we moved on to beer pong.  I've never claimed to be that great at this game…until now.  Zach and I dominated against Jill and Bridget…yet they still managed to get in our victory picture below (RUDE).

Just a few party pics….

And just because it's always funny when Curtis decides to take his shirt off.  Please note he blessed us with this fine exposure not once but twice at this fine event.  He never disappoints.

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