Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Darnell Family

This past weekend I got to spend a little time with the Darnell family.  They wanted to capture a few pictures of their family of three, before they become a family of four in November.  I have to say that I give them all sorts of credit for being patient enough to not find out what they are having.  Crazy right?  I mean people still do that?  Both times I was pregnant I tried really hard to not find out, and ALMOST did it, but when that moment comes and they say "do you want to know"….I cave.  I had a friend tell me once that finding out what you are having is like finding out your presents before Christmas morning and ruining the surprise.  I think they might be partially right, I just figure I like to have my surprises a little early.  The Darnells are going to have one great surprise in November and I can't wait to hear what it is!

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