Monday, January 10, 2011

The Santa Scare of 2010

Yes I realize it is almost the middle of January, but I just loaded my Santa pictures and I thought I would share them as they are simply wonderful this year.  I'll try and give a little play by play so you can see just exactly how this joyous event went down.......

We arrived at the North Pole (Bass Pro) with a sparkle in our eye, our mission...
to tell Santa we wanted Buzz Lightyear!

                                    Doesn't he look precious?                                                                                       The Innocent Bystander!

Wait, who's that guy?  You want me to do what? Sit on his lap...I don't think so!

And the final product....good thing he was already on the nice list!

This is where the visit with Santa ended, I'll spare you the part where he kicked and screamed all the way to the car!  Sometimes I forget that he's only 2, but on this day he certainly reminded me! 

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