Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Just Playin' Around

Just another day hangin' out with this cutie and playing.  She is really good at entertaining herself, but also loves it when you'll play along.  So...I play along.  Who could resist that smirk...and those cheeks?  No one, that's who.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

More of that Baby...Sitting

Yep, you guessed it.  Another post of a baby...sitting.  She is more mobile these days, but still enjoys sitting and smiling so we just continue to embrace this phase while we can.  Her favorite thing to laugh at is her brothers doing just about anything.  Falling is a fan favorite though, because i mean falling is funny lets be honest.  The whoopee cushion is a close second. She's classy. 

Monday, June 24, 2019

Out of Town Tourney

Nolan had been looking forward to this tournament FOREVER, it was the first one out of town where we would get to **Gasp** stay at a hotel with his teammates.  I think that is the biggest deal to the kids, more so than playing different competition or playing on nicer fields etc.  It's the little things I guess!  And they did have such a good time.  Lots of swimming, lots of wiffle ball, lots of running around the hotel and oh yea some actual baseball games too.  It was a hot, but super fun weekend for everyone.  We didn't leave with a Championship Ring but we certainly left with some fun memories with our baseball family.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Another Pool Day

I warned you, or at least I think I did.  It's summer and we are spending A LOT of time at the pool.  If you need us we are either at the baseball fields or at the pool.  The princess is still able to fall asleep just about anywhere so we just carry on with our regular schedule for now and she snoozes (as you will see) when she sees fit.  Oh these are the days!  She also humors us and wears hats and sunglasses and all sorts of ridiculous things so that also gets her picture taken more than the average bear.  I'm guessing by next summer these opportunities will be long gone!

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