Thursday, November 16, 2017

Biking with Bennett

The time had come this summer, Bennett decided it was high time to ride his bike sans training wheels.  So we headed up to the dirt baseball field to ease him into it.  Turns out he needed zero help.  I had barely made it up the hill to the field and I caught 2 pictures of him climbing on his bike before he just took off.  No parents pushing him, no falling, no screaming, no crying.  Just put his feet to the pedals and off he went.  It certainly isn't like the commercials make it look!  Anyway, he was proud we were proud and he's been successfully riding ever since (has even graduated to a bigger bike since these were taken).  2 down...1 to go.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Destin Vacation

This summer we spent our family vacation with Chad's whole family.  That's right, 20+ people in one house and we all survived!  Our family had been to Destin a few years ago and loved it, so we were crossing our fingers that we weren't over-selling it to Chad's family and I don't think we did.  We had such a great time.  Our boys are at such a great age for vacation.  They are really embracing all of the different activities and are so much fun.  Here's hoping Little Miss embraces the same adventure seeking spirit, or is a really great or the other.  This year the kids were really into boogie boards and skim boards and metal detecting (or metal protecting as Bennett refers to it).  We didn't find the fit bit that Bennett set out to find, but we did find some bottle caps and tent stakes, woohoo!  Another favorite activity was finding crabs at Crab Island.  Don't worry they are just hermit crabs and we quickly returned them to their natural habitats at the bottom of the ocean floor.  The boys also went on their first official snorkeling trip, which was great fun until Nolan and I swam through some sort of stinging something and had to get sprayed with some concoction  to relieve the stinging sensation.  I mean we had to have some sort of mishap right?  Can't be all rainbows and unicorns on our vacations!  We also hit up the Pirate Cruise again this year, which is always a hit with both kids and adults.  

Destin, you did not disappoint.  We will be back, I will not be pregnant and I will join in the fruity drink fun.  That's a promise.

Baseball Baseball Baseball

In between our little "baby mooning" trips we had a LOT of baseball.  We had tournaments, practices, league games...and more tournaments.  It might sound like I'm complaining, and I assure you I am not, I'm just saying if you didn't see us this summer it's because we were at the baseball fields!  Nolan is on a great little team, we love the boys and the families and we love watching the boys get better and better.  The coach at this point still has the boys rotating positions quite a bit to see what sticks, but it looks like Nolan is settling in to First Base and Third Base and has his eyes set on pitching in the Fall.  We are so proud of him and all of the effort he puts in and most importantly how well he takes the advice of the coaches (note I didn't say the advice of his Dad).  Looking forward to many more seasons of baseball, and I think little brother is interested now as well.  So you'll really have to meet us at the fields in order to see our faces ever again!


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